Your Go-To Channel For The Union Budget 2018

BTVI is India’s premier English business news channel, and it bridges the gap between opinion seekers and opinion drivers. The channel divulges news in the business-economics genre and brings first-hand information from key influencers in the world to empower its viewers with #OpinionsThatCount.

The presenting of the Union Budget is the biggest and the most important financial activity of the year. The Union Budget 2018 was set to be presented on the 1st of February, and BTVI rooted for the maximum number of tune-ins for the same. We, therefore, decided to run a campaign promoting the same.


  • To run a digital campaign for ‘Union Budget 2018’.
  • To disseminate information about it in the most impactful and user-friendly way.
  • To position BTVI as the one-stop news portal for all simplified Budget-related updates.


For this phenomenal campaign, we decided to work in 3 phases on a digital level.

  • The pre-budget phase would include relevant and informative content pegs.
  • On the day of the budget, we would post important budget-related content and post crucial on-the-go updates as the finance minister would deliver his speech.
  • The third phase, that is, the post-budget phase would consist of the various aspects of the Union Budget that would have an impact on the lives of the common man

We intended to publish this information on BTVI’s social platforms.



At this stage, we decided to devise the following content pegs on all social platforms:

  • 1. Budget Trivia

    Here, the idea was to highlight interesting, uncommon facts about Budget. We put up 12 posts from 12th January to 23 rd January and divided the post-boosting on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

  • 2. Budget-O- Pedia

    The idea behind this content peg was to simplify Budget-related terms and present them in dictionary format. We put out 19 posts for this.

  • 3. Promos

    This content peg included graphic promos, vignettes, expectations promos etc. We put out Budget GFX promos that were animated videos of the trends that Budget 2018 would adopt to. The Budget Vignettes and Budget Promos were essentially videos of industry leaders and other relevant personalities in the field of finance who gave their opinion on what Budget 2018 should focus on and the ideal reforms to be brought in. Of all the promos, a total of 8 promos were boosted on Facebook and Twitter.

  • 4. Polls

    In order to engage with the audience, we carried out a series of polls on Facebook and Twitter. This was spread across a period of a week, i.e., 25 th January 2018 to 31 st January 2018. We ran live polls on Facebook and normal polls on Twitter with a total of 5 polls. The polls were on the lines how Union Budget 2018 would impact the common man.

  • 5. Mailers

    We released a total of 6 mailers across Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. 5 of these mailers were situational and 1 mailer was for announcing the channel’s presence on Hotstar. We boosted all these mailers for a better reach.

  • 6. GDN Banners

    We decided to put up GDN banners to enhance engagement. Hence, a total of 12 banners were put out as Google ads. These included mailers for home, portfolio and savings in 4 different dimensions.

Day Of The Budget

We divided the activities of main day, that is, 1 st February, into 2 slots. The first slot consisted of the time from 7 AM to 11 AM, and the second slot consisted of the time from 11 AM to 2 PM.

Slot 1

In this slot, we released a series of posts every 15 minutes between 7 AM and 11 AM. Our postings included 19 content-driven posts, reposting of poll results, relevant tough questions and mailers, promos related to stock markets, promos highlighting the alliance between BTVI and Republic.

Slot 2

During the budget speech, a total of 9 posts that highlighted the major schemes and changes brought in by the Union Budget were put up. These were put up one after the other, as and when the update came in across Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


We divided our post-budget activities again into 2 parts, that is, Key Takeaways and Budget Highlight Promos.

Key Takeaways

After the disclosure of the Budget, we put out 2 creatives; one depicting the basic goods that have become costlier and the other depicting the goods that have become more expensive. These posts were put up on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Budget Highlight Promos

Post the Budget, we released 5 promos that were snippets of important highlights from Budget 2018. These were posted on Facebook and Twitter


Organically, we achieved a total reach of 254,556, total impressions were 293,831, total engaged users were 24,940, total post consumptions were 6,454 and total video views were 4,112 on Facebook. On Twitter, the tweets achieved a total of 360 retweets, a total of 803 favorites, a total of 25 replies, total impressions were 328,751, average engagement rate was 1.4%, total video views were 7,208 and total link clicks were 3,000.

In terms of activity through paid media, we achieved a total reach of 3,776,410. We got 23,132 Facebook page likes, 5,638 Twitter followers, an engagement of 23,743, video views on social media of 67,724, and 18,121 website clicks through the GDN activity.

Overall, our base on Facebook grew by 23,132 and that on Twitter by 5,638; the total video views on social media platforms were 79,044. Twitter achieved a total of 544 retweets, 2,516 favorites and 38 replies. The engagement rate on Twitter rose to an average of 2.15% (1.4% organic and 2.9% paid) as compared to the average 0.8% seen across the months. The activity garnered total impressions of 4,398,992 i.e. about 4.4 million.

The campaign and its content was received well by the digital audience, making this campaign an absolute success!

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