#WorkRight To Tackle Stress At Work

We spend maximum of our time at work and hence, our overall state of mind is highly influenced by our mental health at work. Hence, we crafted a campaign dedicated to stress at work. This was a pre-buzz campaign for the NASSCOM event where Deepika was a celebrity speaker.

What was the objective of #WorkRight?

The objective of the campaign was to make people aware of the facts and figures about how people are suffering from depression so that they realize the gravity of the situation.

How did we work it?

  • The campaign was executed through infographs, articles, Instagram stories and polls.
  • The posts received great engagement across digital platforms and Deepika’s retweet generated more traction on the page.
  • We received a reach of 123K on Facebook & Instagram, 49K impressions on Twitter and 117K impressions on Instagram. The overall engagement across all platforms as high as 36K.

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