With the progress of Indian cinema, filmmakers are exploring different genres. The silent thriller Mercury is all set to make noise with Prabhu Deva in the lead, under the direction of Karthik Subbaraj. The Mercury teaser was launched on the 7th of March, 2018.
The build-up started with an article on Prabhu Deva and director Karthik Subbaraj. After the launch, the #MercuryTeaser was trending at No. 8 on YT for hours pan India. Creative review videos, teaser video cuts and milestone videos were shared across all the platforms. The teaser got a tremendous response from the audience. In two days, the views touched 2 Million.
The next step was the build-up for #TheMercurySong which was launched on March 16th . Post its launch, #TheMercurySong was trending on No. 5 for a few hours on twitter. To maintain the momentum, we shared review videos, lyrical videos, and song video cuts.
We also launched the #MyMercuryPower contest wherein the participants had to tag their loved ones by telling them about that one power which they would want in them. The gratification of this contest had Mithoon himself dedicating a personalized song to the winners.
The film is hitting the big screens this month, and we’re all set to get the temperatures soaring across digital platforms with sizzling campaigns.
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Apr 11, 2018