A series of 12 episodes, ‘Zero Kms’ is a series that revolves around the dark truth of our nation, i.e. human trafficking. To hook the audiences to this series, we started by launching the motion poster on 25th May. The poster had a collage of screenshots taken from various platforms that showed the statistics of the victims of human trafficking.
To create more interest around the show, we started the countdown to the trailer on the same day itself by pushing out the video gif creative. We finally launched the trailer on 28th May, followed by dialogue videos and character cards of the lead cast of ‘Zero Kms’. This included Naseeruddin Shah, Satyadeep Mishra and Tanmay Dhanania, and helped us with sustenance.
Apart from a gripping storyline, the treatment of this thriller is brilliant and entertaining. ‘Zero Kms’ is totally binge worthy and will challenge your intellect at the same time!
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Jun 20, 2018